Kase Revolution Mag Circular Reverse GND0.9 & Adaptor Ring 82mm


Kase Revolution Mag Circular Reverse GND0.9 (3 stop) & Adaptor Ring

Individual Circular reverse Graduated Filter and Adaptor Ring.  Can be used with other Kase Revolution Magnetic Circular Filters or on its own with the supplied lens adaptor.

Only 4 left in stock


Our Individual 0.9 (3 stop) Revolution Circular Reverse Graduated Filters and Adaptor Ring can be used in conjunction with our other Revolution filters, or on their own.

Graduated filters provides more control over exposure and helps achieve a balanced and well-exposed photograph, especially in challenging lighting conditions.

These are fixed graduated filters, the graduation can not be adjusted for horizon levels independent of the camera.


In the Box

  • Kase Revolution Magnetic Reverse GND0.9 82mm – Marked with unique Red Lines for easy identification.
  • Kase Circular Magnetic 82mm Lens Adaptor