Kase Pro Partner Q&A – Ben Kapur
Kase Pro Partners Q&A – Ben Kapur
Here at Kase along with our ambassadors we also like to partner up with photographers that work at a professional level in the industry. Our Professional Partners are pro or semi-pro landscape photographers, capturing the beauty of the United Kingdom and beyond as well as empowering others to learn more about the beauty of the landscape through their workshops. Kase UK work closely with and support these great photographers who use our products so that they can demonstrate our excellent system to their clients and take amazing images themselves. Our pro partners are also very knowledgeable of Kase products and always willing to help and give great advice. If you want to see our gear in action and learn how to take stunning images, then make sure you book yourself a workshop with one of these talented photographers. Check out their website for any exciting events they have planned.
Tell us a little about yourself. What started you in photography, where are you from, what achievements etc have you gained?
My name is Ben Kapur, I’m a Landscape Photographer and Vlogger from the South of England. Ever since a young age I messed about with cameras, making videos and taking stills, and then my passion developed in secondary school where I started to work with film as well as digital photography. I fully found the love for photography when I was about 22 years old and now, I can’t get enough of it. I’m forever planning my next trip.
I have had my work published in many magazines, shortlisted in LPOTY, won a few smaller competitions but I’m more proud of being able to work alongside fantastic brands like recently Lumix, and of course Kase.
Do you have a photography style and what are your favourite locations or things to shoot?
I wouldn’t say I necessarily have a style myself, but some people say I do. I tend to shoot for the conditions whatever they may be, and that then determines the final image. I grew up next to the sea, so I love to photography the sea, but I do have a massive love for the mountains. Its so alien to me and I love being in and amongst them, so Scotland and the Lake district are very high up on the list.
The first time I used them on my camera and saw the results I soon realised what everyone was shouting about. Zero colour cast, tough strong filters that do withstand being dropped (trust me I know!) sharper images and just a filter system that works well all the time and every time.
What or who has influenced you most in photography?
There are some fantastic photographers out there that I look up to greatly and inspire me with my work, to name a few – Neil Burnell, Thomas Heaton, Simon Baxter, Jack Lodge, but I think the thing that has influenced me the most is just being outside, and in particular, being outside early, before anyone else gets to see the world. Its therapeutic, it makes you feel alive and there really isn’t any better thing to see than the sun coming up and the amazing weather than comes along with it, so that’s what keeps me doing it again and again.
What do you shoot with, what are the tools you use to make stunning images?
I have always shot Sony, but I have recently started to use the new Lumix S1R and have been absolutely blown away with how great this camera is. I currently have the 24-105 F4 and the 70-200 F4. Of course I use Kase Filters too.
Why Kase filters, what do you love about our products, how do they help?
Because they’re the BEST! Previous to Kase I have had nearly every other filter on the market, and wasted a lot of money trying to seek zero colour cast, filters that were tough, and images that look “as they should” and I was always aware that Kase were there, and when I got approached to work with them I was blown away. The first time I used them on my camera and saw the results I soon realised what everyone was shouting about. Zero colour cast, tough strong filters that do withstand being dropped (trust me I know!) sharper images and just a filter system that works well all the time and every time. They are made by photographers for photographers and the craftmanship and the end result is what I love about them.
What professional services do you offer, and where can people find out more about them and see your work?
I’m a YouTuber, so you can find me over on YouTube along with all the other Social media platforms. I offer commissioned work, and various other photography services. I am just stepping into the world of running photography workshops, and this is something I am looking to do more of in the future. You can check out my portfolio of work over on my website.

Stour – Lumix S1R & 70-200f4 – Kase CPL , Kase Wolverine 2 stop hard (Upside down), Kase Wolverine 3 stop soft (Sky)