Here at Kase UK we have been discussing how we might be able to give back something to our very supportive extended Kase UK family of Professional Photographers. We are very proud to work with some amazing photographers, who like...
Kase at The Photography Show 2020 Not long now until the UK's premier photography event The Photography Show, and Kase will be there on stand C73. Make sure you pop along to say hello, get some great advice, and maybe...
Kase Pro Partners Q&A - James Grant Here at Kase along with our ambassadors we also like to partner up with photographers that work at a professional level in the industry. Our Professional Partners are pro or semi-pro landscape photographers,...
Kase Pro Partners Q&A - Phil Starkey Here at Kase along with our ambassadors we also like to partner up with photographers that work at a professional level in the industry. Our Professional Partners are pro or semi-pro landscape photographers,...
The results are in; Wex Photo Video have announced the results of their ‘Photographer of the Year 2020’ competition, with 2 Kase Photographers snagging spots in the top 3. Andi Campbell Devon based Kase Global Ambassador, Andi Campbell, won the...
Press Release Kase UK 14/11/2019 Kase UK are very pleased to announce that our next generation 100mm filter holder, the K9 is now available in the UK. Building on the success of our previous K8 holder, we have listened to...
Kase Ambassador Interview - Jack Lodge Want to know a little more about our ambassadors? We asked them some questions. Q1 – Tell us a little about yourself and your achievements? I first picked up a camera back in 2016...
Kase Pro Partners Q&A - Alan Howe Here at Kase along with our ambassadors we also like to partner up with photographers that work at a professional level in the industry. Our Professional Partners are pro or semi-pro landscape photographers,...
Kase Pro Partners Q&A - Ben Kapur Here at Kase along with our ambassadors we also like to partner up with photographers that work at a professional level in the industry. Our Professional Partners are pro or semi-pro landscape photographers,...
Here at Kase UK we love being able to support our talented family of associated photographers. So when we were asked to support a ladies demo day held at Burnham on Sea by Phil Starkey we jumped at the idea....