A nice write up here from Natural Landscapes, Gregg Knowles
Great little gear review here from Gregg
Here is a little about Gregg
I’m a family man, with a passion for the outdoors and I’m a
competent amateur landscape photographer. Recently an ambassador for
Kase Filters UK, I provide 1 to 1/small group tuition and produce calendars
and prints on a bespoke basis.
I have been fortunate enough to live on the outskirts of the Peak District and
spend many summers on the coast of Anglesey growing up, sailing, hiking,
climbing and biking with family. Being outdoors quickly became the second
most important element in my life after my family.
Inevitably I was inspired by the landscape and the desire to photograph these
stunning locations soon followed. I still remember and feel that buzz of
excitement from my first
Today the passion still drives and motivates me out of warm beds at ungodly
hours into harsh mountain environments, it drives me to scale and sleep on
mountain summits with heavy equipment in inclement weather on the
promise of a chance of some ‘good light’. That is the fun factor for me though,
The adventure, the journey, the story. The click of the shutter is the final
I try not to preconceive images and generally the only parameters I work
within are that my images be faithful and true to the landscape I enjoy so
I always endeavor to convey an honest and natural representation and express
soul, mood, and feeling in my images.
Inevitably there is a need to process the RAW images to some degree in a
digital darkroom package. This is mainly kept very low key and usually
consists of very basic finishing adjustments relevant to the media on which
the image will be displayed.
The landscape doesn’t need photoshopping. It needs passion, patience,
composition and light.
I hope you enjoy sharing some of my adventures. ~ Gregg Knowles